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Front-End Hacker

We are building sophisticated full-stack solutions for scale and long-term maintainability and we’re looking for someone to join our full-stack team of hackers and help with front-end development.

Technical requirements:

  • HTML5
  • CSS, Sass or LESS
  • Javascript
  • Responsive web
  • ECMA Script 6, CoffeeScript, TypedScript - any of these is a plus
  • Understanding of front-end development frameworks - Angular, React.js/Redux
  • Good understanding of HTTP, REST services and JSON

Seniority requirements:

  • You are:
    • obsessed with building pixel perfect apps
    • an amazing troubleshooter
    • able to solve hard problems (the ones that you won’t gonna find on StackOverflow)
    • able and expected to adopt new development and productivity tools -, Sketch
    • able and expected to mentor junior and intermediate developers
  • You know how to:
    • deliver working products and meet deadlines
    • test your code using a variety of browsers and devices
  • You know what:
    • corners can be cut and what corners should never be cut
  • You can and will:
    • make sure you have all the materials and assets needed beforehand
    • push back a problematic requirement if you know what the problems with it will be and can explain the same to the non-technical people
  • You have:
    • good understanding in at least one front-end stack of tools and frameworks

Some familiarity and understanding of the following tools and principles:

  • git
  • build tools - Grunt, bower, Yeoman etc.
  • Bootstrap.js or other CSS frameworks
  • grid systems
  • command line tools
  • text editors
  • object-oriented CSS or similar principles
  • web performance

Working experience with the any of the following is a big plus:

  • testing frameworks such as Jasmine, Karma
  • Protractor and Selenium
  • static site generators - Jekyll
  • content management systems
  • back-end development